
Tama / Poznań

19/03 19:00


Dear friends from Poland,we unfortunately have to postpone the upcoming PULS TOUR alternative dates again ?Poland:

17.03. ➡️ 27.01.2022 MEUTE · Krakow · Klub Studio

18.03. ➡️ 26.01.2022 MEUTE · Warsaw · Progresja

19.03. ➡️ 28.01.2022 MEUTE · Poznań · Tama

20.03. ➡️ 29.01.2022 MEUTE · Gdańsk · B/90 ➡️ Stary Maneż NEW VENUE!

All purchased tickets stay valid. If you can’t make it that day or want a refund, please contact your original point of purchase.

When the bass drops and the confetti blows up: MEUTE breaks the code. The Techno Marching Band combines hypnotic driving techno and expressive brass band music, freeing electronic music from the DJ desk and overhauling the image of marching bands.

They started as an experiment and evolved to a world-acclaimed phenomenon in a minimum of time. Just drums and brass, no computers involved, this is all they need to revolutionize techno music and bring it back to its roots at the same time.

The eleven musicians in their iconic red jackets have managed to spread their love for hand- made electronic music all over the planet. The videos of their impromptu street gigs regularly attract millions of views.

After more then 300 concerts on four continents the band invites to unveil a world of electronic indulgence.


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