Kayah & Goran Bregovic

After 17 years, Kayah and Goran Bregovic teamed up again and went on a spectacular tour. Artists performed together during seven concerts organized in biggest Polish cities. They presented their iconic repertoire in Warsaw, Cracow, Wrocław, Gdynia, Poznań, Łódź and Szczecin.

Set lists of concerts included such hits as Prawy do lewego, Śpij kochanie, Byłam różą, To nie ptak or Sto lat młodej parze. Album Kayah i Bregovic is one of the most iconic records in the polish music history. Released in 1999, the album sold over million copies in Ponand and became a diamond record and won many prestigious awards (three Fryderyki, four Superjedynki). Songs on the album are truly timeless and still resonate with younger audiences and new generations of listeners.

Timetable of the tour: 14.09.2017 (Thursday) – Łódź, Wytwórnia 15.09.2017 (Friday) – Gdynia, Gdynia Arena 16.09.2017 (Saturday) – Szczecin, Azoty Arena 18.09.2017 (Monday) – Poznań, MTP II 19.09.2017 (Tuesday) – Wrocław, Hala Orbita 21.09.2017 (Thursday) – Cracow, Hala Wisły 22.09.2017 (Friday) – Warszawa, Progresja 23.09.2017 (Sunday) – Warsaw, Progresja.


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